CocoaFit in 5… How to Find Time to Excercise!

We all know we’re supposed to do it… need to do it… tell ourselves we want to do it… but we never really find a way to COMMIT to doing it! No, I’m not talking about that “IT”… I’m talking about the other “IT”- EXERCISE! Don’t go stickin’ your lip out and makin’ that “Oh no you din’t” face, because anyone that has fought the battle of the bulge and won will tell you if you don’t MOVE MORE THAN YOU EAT… you will always be dissatisfied with your results. So CocoaGirls put these tips in your designer bags, get off your rusty dusties and get moving!

  1. Schedule it: This is a BIG “DUH” I know, but have you actually done it? You can schedule a meeting, your mani-pedi, your book club… why not your fitness time? When that alarm goes off on your PDA, or you see it in your day planner you will have no excuse… well not any that make sense.
  2. 15 minutes to fit: Establish the 15 minute rule… be dressed in your workout clothes and doing SOMETHING within 15 minutes of getting home. Yes this can be a challenge especially if you have families… but don’t let that stop you… this is your time for YOU. Remind them that a CocoaFIT Mommy is a CocoaFUN Mommy!
  3. Don’t let them beat you… have them join you: Still not sure #2 will work for you? Then make fitness time CocoaFAMILY TIME! Do it as a team… let the little ones decided the workout of the day. Reward them with exercises for Mommy… for every A they bring home they can watch you do push-ups or crunches or run sprints. Something tells me homework won’t be an issue any more.
  4. Wake up the rooster: There is nothing wrong with getting up early to get your CocoaFit on! It’s a great way to start the day and get your energy flowing without coffee! Besides you won’t feel so guilty about sneaking a bite off of that morning pastry if you’re already burned 500 calories by 8am!
  5. Holla atcha CocoaGirl!: Don’t workout alone, get a partner in crime. Even if she isn’t in the same city, check in daily with your fitness activity.  Remember how she had your back when that blind date was as disaster?! Well how else to hold you accountable to your CocoaFitness goals?!

We couldn’t have made it any simpler for you… so now it’s up to you… do you want to be a Diva of dysfunction or do you want to be Countess of CocoaFabuliciousness?! The choice is yours…

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